
Product Introduction

Specially customized products upon customers' needs. Remarks: May be customizable according to user requirements.

product name:Z&R SHAPED CUTTER
Release time:2018-11-20 16:21:00
Times of browsing:
  • 1319-Z75

    Diameter: 13.44±0.02mm
    Height:  19.05±0.05mm
    Table height: 7.5±0.2mm
    Impact: 45 J×10 times
    VTL: >150
    High- temperature Resistance: 750 °C  10 min


    Diameter: 13.44±0.02mm
    Height:  19.05±0.05mm
    Table height: 7.5±0.2mm
    Impact: 45 J×10 times
    VTL: >150
    High- temperature Resistance: 750 °C  10 min


    Diameter: 19.05±0.02mm
    Height: 28.20±0.05mm
    Table height: 10.0±0.2mm
    Impact: 50 J×10 times
    VTL : >30-50
    High- temperature Resistance: 750℃ 10 min

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