
Product Series

The company adheres to the strategic direction of "taking science and technology as the root and service as the first", has adhered to the spirit of "ingenuity" for more than 20 years, vigorously developed super hard composite material technology, produced six series and dozens of varieties of diamond composite sheet, and basically met the demand of oilfield exploitation market for different structural strata.

读书| 昭觉县| 图木舒克市| 阜新| 余干县| 海淀区| 五家渠市| 昔阳县| 如东县| 醴陵市| 泸州市| 吉安市| 左云县| 尼玛县| 万盛区| 蒙山县| 神农架林区| 上虞市| 平乐县| 楚雄市| 蓬莱市| 湖北省| 雷州市| 定边县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 通海县| 宣威市| 红安县| 京山县| 武平县| 修武县| 石台县| 通城县| 林州市| 怀柔区| 巴彦淖尔市| 夏邑县| 十堰市| 屏边| 渑池县| 淅川县|